According to some recent news, it is assumed that maybe the UK Government wants Facebook to give them access to private chats. It is the world of social media. Almost everyone has a social media account and loves spending a huge amount of their time over it. Facebook is one of the most popular on those sites. It is now not only used by the youth but also targets people from all age groups. We all know that Facebook is not alone, it also Instagram and WhatsApp too. These are also used commonly worldwide.
The UK Ministers want Facebook to allow them to access the private messaging happening over Facebook (Messenger), WhatsApp, and Instagram.
What is the reason behind this?
The Security agencies of the UK claim that they want this access just for the security of their people. According to their opinion, many criminal activities especially child abuse are planned via Facebook and its products (in their chats section). NSPCC says that more than half of the online child abuse activities in England are planned with the help of Facebook-owned apps.
Simply, their opinion is:
End-to-end encryption brings a risk that can hurt society in a very negative way. Thus if they have access to private chats, the security would be tighter. If there is any criminal activity being planned over there, the authorities can detect it right away and can take action.
However, the final decision has not been made yet. This matter is still been a topic for discussion. Facebook wants chats encrypted by keeping in view of the users’ privacy concerns. But the security agencies are ensuring that no harm would be done to the privacy of the users. The sole purpose for this hidden door to private chats is just to increase security and enhancing peace in society.
The decision is still pending and expected to be made final soon this year.